Monday, July 23, 2012

Creativity through photography

The photography bug has bit me this summer (along with several hundred mosquitos). Here are a few pictures I'm quite proud of:

Goldfinches at the Feeder

Sunflower with Cicada

Pollinators at Work
There's a lot to learn with photography. While I understand the concepts of aperture and shutter speed, I'm still refining my working knowledge how to use them to get the effects I want. I enjoy doing pictures of nature and quilts. Pictures of people tend to draw you in more and tell a story.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Little Whimsy

Whimsy is the Moda fabric line I used in this quilt top. It is from a few years ago, not easy to find these days. I discovered the layer cake precut set at a garage sale a little over a year ago. It's a children's print, really, and since I don't have kids, I didn't know what I'd do with it. But I was drawn to the soft colors, the delightful collection of images and words, the rick-rack design and the dainty check pattern on some of the fabrics squares....oh, I don't know, I just liked it.

The pattern is from a book called Quilt Boutique, by Suzanne McNeill. The pattern is simply called 10 Minute Blocks Quilt. The blocks do go together quickly.

This quilt will be a silent auction quilt for a fundraiser at my church in September. I'm really going to have to put my nose to the grindstone to get it done on time.

Here's a block close up. You can see the child-friendly words on the square with the circles if you zoom in on it. It's quaint - all kinds of everyday things a child might know. The other shot is my attempt to be an "art photographer." Ha ha ha ha ha!

The sandwich is pin-basted and the quilting plan is nearly finalized (in my mind). Then the quilting work begins!