Denim is so awesome. It's cotton, it's tough, it's soft, it's comes in a plethora of colors, every blue under the sun. I'm goofing around with some denim scraps and I made these potholders yesterday. Well, they're in progress.
I'm intrigued by the
Modern Quilting movement lately. It is improvisational with thoughtful use of shape and color. Simple shapes make sophisticated designs and the pattern of the fabric gives personality. That was the inspiration for my pot holders, although in this application, the denim really doesn't have a pattern.
I use
insulated batting combined with a piece of 100% cotton batting to line the potholders. This combination works well in the kitchen, and the demin will provide anther layer of protection. Above all, I want these pot holders to be functional!
You know I joined Starlight Guild, right? They have a group of ladies who are making sleeping bags for the homeless out of denim. They're not making anything fancy or even pretty because they don't want them to be stolen from anyone. They're making them very warm and they'll have ties on the sides, I think. I pieced together a grid of squares for them a couple of months ago. Was one of the most rewarding things I've ever sewn. Wonder if that's something BVQG would be interested in doing?