Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hello faithful and few readers!

I have not disappeared; I am simply unsure what to do with this blog now. My Etsy shop has "closed" and I'm not sure I can sustain a small sewing business while I have my current job. The job sucks the time away like I never anticipated. This is OK because I like the job, but 6 months later, I'm still struggling with how to adjust my life to find balance.

I will probably have to quit (or greatly reduce my involvement in) my quilt guild. (This saddens me greatly; but they meet during the day on a week day, and now I work a 8-5, 5 days a week schedule.) I am trying to add regular exercise to my life. I haven't achieved balance between the personal/private time I crave, errands/chores, and church attendance.

Over the last few months I have really enjoyed reading other quilting blogs and now I ponder changing Rikrax into a personal quilting/sewing blog. Here is a shout out to the blogs I really enjoy (in no particular order):

Despite following all these blogs, I have yet to win one of their giveaways. It's OK, though.

Here's my Flickr site with a recent project posted.


  1. I'm glad you're enjoying your new job, my friend. I'm feeling the same need to step back from guild a bit, myself. Meeting during the day is tough for me. :(

    I'd love it if you made this a quilting blog! Would love to see what you're up to, since we're not able to see each other much these days!
